Get Involved

There are many ways you can support the effort to have a Charter Commission:

Sign the Petition to form a Charter Commission

Click “Sign the Petition” below, then fill out the short form. We will then connect you with a volunteer in your neighborhood who has a petition you can sign (we need your signature in ink on a petition!).

Having a ballot question to form a Charter Commission is just the first step in the community’s consideration of what its form of government should look like, but it’s an essential step because there is no other voter-driven path to potentially making a change. Your signature helps Brookline take that first step.

Volunteer with the Charter Campaign

The Charter Commission signature campaign needs you! We are determined to close in on the required 6,000+ signatures to get the Charter Commission on the Brookline ballot! Help us cross the finish line by signing up to collect signatures at upcoming community events. And bring a friend!

Host a Signing Station or House Party

Can you host a petition in your neighborhood for those who want to sign? Can you gather friends to talk about why and how local government could be better? Click “Yes, I can host!” below and we will be in touch to get materials to you or help you organize a house event.

Help support the campaign with a donation. This helps us develop materials, get the word out, recruit volunteers, and reach more voters with information and other materials so important to this voter-driven, community-wide effort.

Stay informed with our email list

Get updates on the progress toward having a charter commission by joining our e-mail list. No one wants extra emails, and we promise not to send tons, but please sign up so the ones we do send don’t go to spam.